I just got a call from my Mom that my 99 year old Polish Grandmother's health is failing somewhat spontaneously. (Several months ago she was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure, but her kidneys were too weak to sustain the treatment for her heart. The doctors have kept her comfortable, but said that it was unfortunately a matter of time...) The other day, my Grandmother's oxygen levels were off, causing all sorts of issues, which they were able to rectify. But today a new slew of problems related to the oxygen levels came up, and my Mom just called in tears saying it doesn't look good.
My heart breaks for my Mom, as no one is ever prepared to lose their parents, at any age. Every time I see my parents calling my cell phone I fear it's "that call," as of late. I can't even begin to imagine how it feels to be on my Mom's side of it.
All of this to say, whether you are 99 like my Grandmother, (who lies and says she's 98, and not out of senility!), or you are my age – please take today to reach out to those you love, and not take life for granted...
Wishing you all the best, as always... ~ Will

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