Tuesday, October 27, 2009

AOM: 30 Days... Day 6 – Resume

Today's assignment from The Art of Manliness "30 Days to a Better Man" is to update one's resume. There is nothing in the world that instills such a sense of dread in me like updating my stinking resume. I know it's a good thing to do, but I have such non-traditional work experiences, working mostly as a consultant type figure that I get easily frustrated, and shut down. Perhaps it's related to my A.D.D., and perhaps it's just that resumes are the vortex of all humanity, sucking the very life out of us. (Bitter much?) I'm getting anxious already, just thinking about mine.

Here are their tips, and I think they forgot to add it's better to embark after a shot of scotch to take the edge off.


None of us need reminding that the economy is in the tank right now. In this tight job market, every small thing can mean the difference between landing a job and being unemployed. Today we’re going to focus on one of those “small” things: our resume. I don’t know everyone’s story out there, but I’m sure many of you are looking for work. And having an updated, sharp looking resume is an essential part of networking like a man.

Even if you have a job, it’s a good idea to update your resume. Why? Well, first, there’s a chance you could lose your job, and you want to be able to start looking for new work immediately instead of having to spend time working on your resume. Second, perhaps a better job opportunity will show up. Many times, such opportunities are time sensitive, meaning the first to get his foot in the door usually gets the job. We all need to be ready for these opportunities when they present themselves by having resumes that are ready to be printed off and placed in someone’s hand.

Good luck and God speed!

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