I was so swamped, and had a flurry of random events happen. Let's recap, shall we?
My car was 'mysteriously entered' by a stranger, yet no windows were broken, and nothing was taken – yet all of the items previously tucked away neatly in all forms of automotive compartments were found strewn all over the front seats. Things like my clients' keys, my wallet with all of my credit cards, unused gift cards, $26 worth of cash, roughly 60 cds, my digital tuner to use my iPhone as an iPod in my car; and in the trunk: a pair of Prada urban Chelsea boots, a sweatshirt, scarf and knit hat for the cold weather, and a 25 lb bag of salmon flavored dog food. All of the doors were locked when I approached, no windows were broken, but everything was out of place, and all about the seats, as if someone was just taking inventory. And I had taken a client's dog out in the rain the day before, and the muddied paw prints stamped out in the back seat were unscathed, meaning no one appeared to have slept there, (or screwed there) overnight.
Why wouldn't they at least take the cash and untraceable gift cards? Or if it was a homeless person, why not take the warm clothes? Was one of my doors ajar when I locked it the night before? My car has an alarm, which should have gone off. Why did they lock the doors back up after not taking anything, but leaving my wallet on the seat for the entire world to view? So confused! It reminded me of that urban legend about the honeymooning couple in Jamaica whose room was 'disturbed' by an intruder, but nothing was taken ~ yet they returned home to find their toothbrushes had been 'tainted' (a la 'up the ass') by the unknown villain. Needless to say, this was the first thing that came to mind, and I ditched my bottle of water and lip balm instantly. But seriously, WTF? Others have told me that it sounded like an angry ex. But I bought this car since I've been single, so no exes would've even known to look for it...
But I digress.
I also have been going out a lot more after my uber long work days, which has been nice to reconnect, but has also left me incredibly tired. I'm getting so old.
Over the weekend, I helped out at the Transformer Art Gallery Auction, held at the Mexican Cultural Center a few blocks from my house, here in DC. It was pretty amazing. I reconnected with a lot of old friends, found some more people to interview for this here trusty blog, and was hit on ad nauseum by hott artsy ladies, and short, well coiffed gay men. It was hilarious. There was this one woman who looked like a more gorgeous version of a young Debbie Harry who kept flirting with me all night, and a 6'7" bear of a man, who kept hugging me all night, despite his wife being affixed to his hip. Odd. Nice to know I "still got it!"
But I became so busy with work with my boss was away that I missed a brunch date that I had, and today will prove to be yet another 'make or break' day, even though my boss has returned. sigh ~
I should go, but will promise to write more this afternoon. Things I missed covering:
The Art of Manliness Series for the "30 Days to a Better Man" told me to make a meal (which I know how to do), create a budget (which I am terrified to do, meaning I need it the most), and talk to strangers (upon which I am improving, I'll have you know!)
I went out to dinner with my friend visiting from out of town, and her boyfriend. We went to a dive Mexican place in my neighborhood, where my friend kept commenting on how amazing I look now, and how I am even beginning to have a little too much bravado. (Did I mention that I resumed with my full doses of testosterone for the past month? Seriously: within 4 days of upping my T levels, perfect strangers were coming up to me on the street to chat with me about anything and everything. "How old is your dog?" "Do you know the time?" "Can you believe this weather we're having?" Really??? Really... Pheromones are the shiznit, man!)
As of this week, I think I am officially 'cocky' (no pun intended...) The more aloof I've become, and unwaivering in my self confidence, the more people have been seeking me out, as opposed to the sensitive, nurturing type that always left me feeling too vulnerable and weak. Fuck it! Fuck all of it! No more apologies. No more waffling, and wobbling. No more trying to be whatever someone else wants. Take me or leave me, but have me as I am. Which apparently is a cock-sure asshole, who borders on smug, and surly. Awesome – I have arrived. Hormones are bizarre things, not to be monkeyed with... Oh well. Too late now!

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