I got a lot of funny responses about yesterday's entry. Some people wondered if the car incident was 'ghostly,' a bit of sleepwalking on my part, or a figment of my imagination all around. Um... But the majority of people seem to think that it was some sort of tom foolery, which doesn't make sense knowing my friends and exes, and the exes who are friends, and the friends I had hoped to date someday... (Wait.) All of this to say: I am still stumped. Imagining there are teeny microscopic cameras now impregnated in my car's dash, I get a little more insecure when I belt out my favorite cheesy pop songs. (It's like that trivia show "Cash Cab," but without the cash, and without the cab. But just like that!)

My boss seemed to think that I was offended that the perpetrator didn't fancy any of my hidden treasures. I kept trying to explain that I just don't get it, and he kept saying: "I know Will, I'm sure you think your things are wonderful, but apparently this other person disagrees." Fucker. That's not what I meant! What – the mysterious 'non-robber' who *didn't* 'break in' to my car, but somehow shimmied his (or her) way in gently to my modest little automobile – this perp wasn't a metrosexual dwarf looking for men's small Prada boots, fancy men's facial moisturizers, A.D.D. meds to snort, while listening to indie Icelandic electropop, and proactively making lists of the items he'd purchase at Whole Foods, Best Buy, and Starbucks, from the gift cards I've received from clients and family members? WTF?
Moving right along... My ego is about to rupture from all of this flattery as of late. A friend casually mentioned that her visiting cohorts were practically gushing at how hott they thought I was as I let them crash at my house on Saturday night, and while we caught up the next morning before they headed out. Funny.
One of my gay clients keeps finding a way to get home just in time to coincidentally bump into me, when he has no reason to be home. He finds a way to walk behind me in the hall, leading to his apartment. It would be nice and complementary, but he's nearly 50, and my ass is not my best feature. (Thanks to my Polish Grandmother! Arg!) I keep being afraid that I'll come in to find him in some tacky smoking jacket left wide open, while reclining on their pastel floral couch. Man alive.
And the strangers are still talking to me left and right. I can literally see them primping themselves, and trying to walk taller and fix their hair right before they pass me. When did I become THAT GUY that they needed to impress? Seriously?!? It's so insane. I really don't look that different – it must be the pheromones. I feel like some vain douchebag even mentioning this stuff. But it's like all of those dumbass flicks I grew up on in the 80s, where some weird cosmic shift happens, and suddenly the protagonist is handsome, popular, and spontaneously becomes the alpha in their circles at school. But I'm not in school, and I've always been kind of funny and likable. At least that's what my Mom says. Kidding. (She doesn't actually think I'm funny.)
I had a long talk over dinner last night about all of the changes I've experienced over the years, and how I can actually quantify each affect and side effect based on which ever variable is in the cross hairs, be it testosterone, Adderal, etc. Crazy. It's been a month and a half almost since I upped my dose of T, and it's all changed. This is how it was three years ago when I first started T, and since then, I reduced the amount that I would inject biweekly, and many of the effects softened or dissolved. Now it's all back full force, and I forgot what it was like.
Jeez. How could I have prepared for this? (Poor me, right?)
My boss seemed to think that I was offended that the perpetrator didn't fancy any of my hidden treasures. I kept trying to explain that I just don't get it, and he kept saying: "I know Will, I'm sure you think your things are wonderful, but apparently this other person disagrees." Fucker. That's not what I meant! What – the mysterious 'non-robber' who *didn't* 'break in' to my car, but somehow shimmied his (or her) way in gently to my modest little automobile – this perp wasn't a metrosexual dwarf looking for men's small Prada boots, fancy men's facial moisturizers, A.D.D. meds to snort, while listening to indie Icelandic electropop, and proactively making lists of the items he'd purchase at Whole Foods, Best Buy, and Starbucks, from the gift cards I've received from clients and family members? WTF?
Moving right along... My ego is about to rupture from all of this flattery as of late. A friend casually mentioned that her visiting cohorts were practically gushing at how hott they thought I was as I let them crash at my house on Saturday night, and while we caught up the next morning before they headed out. Funny.
One of my gay clients keeps finding a way to get home just in time to coincidentally bump into me, when he has no reason to be home. He finds a way to walk behind me in the hall, leading to his apartment. It would be nice and complementary, but he's nearly 50, and my ass is not my best feature. (Thanks to my Polish Grandmother! Arg!) I keep being afraid that I'll come in to find him in some tacky smoking jacket left wide open, while reclining on their pastel floral couch. Man alive.
And the strangers are still talking to me left and right. I can literally see them primping themselves, and trying to walk taller and fix their hair right before they pass me. When did I become THAT GUY that they needed to impress? Seriously?!? It's so insane. I really don't look that different – it must be the pheromones. I feel like some vain douchebag even mentioning this stuff. But it's like all of those dumbass flicks I grew up on in the 80s, where some weird cosmic shift happens, and suddenly the protagonist is handsome, popular, and spontaneously becomes the alpha in their circles at school. But I'm not in school, and I've always been kind of funny and likable. At least that's what my Mom says. Kidding. (She doesn't actually think I'm funny.)
I had a long talk over dinner last night about all of the changes I've experienced over the years, and how I can actually quantify each affect and side effect based on which ever variable is in the cross hairs, be it testosterone, Adderal, etc. Crazy. It's been a month and a half almost since I upped my dose of T, and it's all changed. This is how it was three years ago when I first started T, and since then, I reduced the amount that I would inject biweekly, and many of the effects softened or dissolved. Now it's all back full force, and I forgot what it was like.
Jeez. How could I have prepared for this? (Poor me, right?)
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