I was bummed to read that Cesar Millan's best companion dog, "Daddy," passed away yesterday. For those of you who might not know me well, animals have always been a huge part of my life. In my childhood, I was a wreck for days after seeing films like Sounder, Bambi, Charlotte's Web, or reading books like Where the Red Fern Grows. I couldn't handle the thought of animals being neglected, abused, or killed. There are dozens of photographs of me as a young child embracing some random stray pet that had wandered through our suburban neighborhood. As I got a little bit older, I would envision my future life, living some solitary existence out in rural America with a farm full of animals that I would tend. I even dreamed of becoming a veterinarian, until my father burst that bubble by telling me (too early) that being a vet consisted of neutering and euthanizing animal, and not much else. (Yes, my dad was the male version of Debbie Downer...)
In college I spent a few years delving into animal social behavior, even having my primary professor tell me that I had a gift for working with animals, an insight that she could never possess. It was flattering, and I even toyed with spontaneously flying to Gombe to try to work with Jane Goodall. (A friend's brother went there to surf, and stumbled across their camp, offering to assist them in any way needed. He ended up landing a job with them, while thousands of worthy applicants never even got responses...) I hoped that I could have been as lucky as this surfer guy.
Instead, I opted to walk dogs after quitting my insane job as an account manager for one of the largest film and video editing houses in the country. I worked on my own films, helped produce a few friends films, and walked dogs to pay the bills. The next thing I knew, the owner of the company asked me to manage the business with him. I took him up on the offer, and overall, have had an amazing time. It's been six years, and despite the bouts of restlessness, self doubt, or the itch to experience other places or other possibilities, I really love my job. It suits me, for what it's worth.
In my life, I have personally rescued four animals – three dogs, and one cat. I currently have a rescued pit bull that was thought to be a 'bait dog' in the dog fighting circles of Richmond, VA, and a cat I rescued as a teeny kitten from the mean streets of NYC. They are both impossibly difficult personalities, fearful, if not aggressive around strangers. But this is the life I've chosen – these animals being a metaphor, hoping that I can help them through their distrust of the world, as they teach me more in the process.
It is here that I learned today of "Daddy's" death, the pit bull that was Cesar Millan's 'right hand man.' He was the calm, submissive dog that was the stunning example that eased anxious dogs and owners into their more balanced, new perspectives. He was pretty amazing, as far as dogs go – having known quite a few in my line of work. I was sad that this wonderful dog could no longer play the canine ambassador as he had for the past 16 years. Having owned two pit bulls in my life, I was happy to know that Daddy was projecting the very best of that breed, thankfully!
But after I read about Daddy's death, I read about the death of a friend's cat. I heard about this cat's passing yesterday, but then read this friend's blog to find out that one of her own dogs had terrorized, and ultimately killed her beloved cat while she was away from her home. It's so frightening and heartbreaking.
Okay, I know that this has nothing to do with dating or anything, but I guess hearing the news of these two animals seemed kind of like a big deal, for very different reasons. I promise I'll get back to something more relevant tomorrow.
(Here's Daddy, with his new pack mate "Junior." Very cute. How can you have a bad day around faces like those? Meanwhile, Bub le Bubs, my pit bull, is snoring away at my feet, dreaming soundly. Even though he's a huge pain in the butt a lot of the time, I feel lucky to have him, and to learn from working with him. If only he could get me the ladies... Rather than scaring them away when they wanna come over. Sigh~)
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