Here is a pic of my limp wristed pit bull, Bub Le Bubs, pacing in our backyard covered with over 2' of snow. (Interestingly, he wouldn't pee after I swept away a clearing for him. So, I then had to shovel a path way, with still no luck of Bubs relieving himself. Finally, I had to clear away an alcove at the end of the shoveled walkway so that he could have some privacy to squat and pee. My god, this dog has OCD, just like me! Hilarious!)
If you haven't heard, we are in the midst of a huge blizzard, here in DC. It's been snowing for the past 30 hours, and won't be letting up anytime soon. The good news is that I finally have a weekend off! The bad news is:
- Some of my clients are out of town, and I am hoping that their neighbors are following through with checking on their pets like they said they would, since I am snowed in and stranded.
- The cabin fever is setting in, big time! There isn't anything captivating on tv, and I've already done all I can to entertain myself. I might have to resort to reading a book, or finishing my taxes, if all else fails. God help me!
- I had to park illegally last night when I came home from checking on a pet mid snow storm. I'm hoping that my car is still there, and that the cops are too busy with actual storm emergencies to ticket my car, now covered in 24" of snow. We'll see!
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