Have you been catching any of the Whitney Houston interviews on Oprah? I've never been a huge fan of hers, but couldn't help but watch "Being Bobby Brown" on cable years back. It was such a train wreck, it was the best television I'd ever seen. (I even forgave them for the irrepressible conversation she and Bobby had when he described his attempts to 'assist' her when she was constipated. TMI, Ms. Houston. T M I !!! Do you to what I am referring?!?) But anywho~
She just sang this kind of incredible song about how she "didn't know (her) own strength," and that her Mama said she "was not built to break." Damn... It was so moving and inspirational to hear this truly grounded woman speaking so candidly about recovery from severe drug addiction and an abusive marriage. Oprah was somewhat masterful in her line of questions, almost feeding Whitney answers that may have been too difficult to admit 'on her own,' but in a way that was still sincere and from Whitney's own heart. You could tell that Oprah was really empathizing with this woman who had a pretty rough life.
Much of what she described gave me chills, and would have made me cry, if only I could... Sigh~
I went from not being a much Whitney Houston fan growing up, to watching "Being Bobby Brown" and thinking she was a whacked out (formerly constipated) crack head, to now having a mild crush on this woman of steel. It helps to hear about other people's bouts of 'bad love' and heartbreak to know that we can not only get over it, but we can even have a 'comeback' on the Oprah Show. Hott damn! Watch out ladies!
I never wanted a theme song before, but the lyrics she belted out in her truest Whitney style made me crave a melodic backdrop on this dang blog... If she can get through the toughest times and come out alright, maybe I'll be okay then, too.
And hell, she's single now –– maybe she needs an adoring pool boy!
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