Somewhat coincidentally a bunch of women that I've dated in the past have suddenly come back to reconnect with me. It's been interesting, to say the least. Some have husbands, some have children, some have both – pretty intense. They all are doing really well, and I'm happy for them. Genuinely.
I recently caught that horrible film "Good Luck Chuck," and frankly, it feels a little like that. Now, I'm not saying that I was some good luck charm that launched these women into these domestic bliss. I wouldn't dare be so arrogant. But it's been a wake up call to see everyone else hitting these big strides, while I feel like I am still walking in circles. I know it's never good to compare ourselves in that sense, but they all seemed to have marched into adult-hood, taking on big responsibilities. It makes me wonder... Like some class reunion when you fear that you haven't progressed as much as your peers, or worry that they all got hotter while you grew tired and older looking, in the wrong way.
It feels good to know that these wonderful people still think fondly of me, and that they care enough to catch up. I have put so much energy into these relationships over the years, I appreciate that those connections are still nourishing me in certain ways, even as friendships.
Just promise me that they aren't all sitting around feeling sorry for me. I know I joke about pity parties, but I really *don't* want one. I swear!
Reconnecting with these folks reminds me that I have been very loved, and been inspired by some pretty amazing people. Even if our romances didn't last into eternity, they weren't in vain. But for now, trying not to feel 'post dated.'
I recently caught that horrible film "Good Luck Chuck," and frankly, it feels a little like that. Now, I'm not saying that I was some good luck charm that launched these women into these domestic bliss. I wouldn't dare be so arrogant. But it's been a wake up call to see everyone else hitting these big strides, while I feel like I am still walking in circles. I know it's never good to compare ourselves in that sense, but they all seemed to have marched into adult-hood, taking on big responsibilities. It makes me wonder... Like some class reunion when you fear that you haven't progressed as much as your peers, or worry that they all got hotter while you grew tired and older looking, in the wrong way.
It feels good to know that these wonderful people still think fondly of me, and that they care enough to catch up. I have put so much energy into these relationships over the years, I appreciate that those connections are still nourishing me in certain ways, even as friendships.
Just promise me that they aren't all sitting around feeling sorry for me. I know I joke about pity parties, but I really *don't* want one. I swear!
Reconnecting with these folks reminds me that I have been very loved, and been inspired by some pretty amazing people. Even if our romances didn't last into eternity, they weren't in vain. But for now, trying not to feel 'post dated.'
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