Did you ever see "Just One of the Guys" when it played incessantly on cable in the 80s? I was obsessed with this movie. (Totally makes sense, huh? Foreshadowing, anyone?)
The funny part is that I just Googled images for this flick, and found like a million blogs with postings on this gem. Screen grabs, video links, play by play commentaries. Holy shit, man ~ this thing has a cult following. (emphasis on 'cult' – and I don't mean me...)
The scary part is that apparently the star, Joyce Hyser, (featured above) was nearly 30 years old when she played the lead role as Terri/Terry Griffith. Makes sense that a 30 year old woman would end up looking like an 18 year old boy after the old switch-a-roo. (eh-hem.) This film was like a DIY manual: just throw on a vest with a coordinating skinny tie, a dab of pomade, and the ladies will be eating out of your hand. (Well, maybe not the vest anymore.) With the exception of the blonde boyfriend's and the villain's 'feathered hair,' everyone else looks shockingly current, with the 80s recycling going on now.
The sad part is I think my own sense of style is most aligned with the cross-dresser's love interest, Rick Morehouse – the James Brown-loving dud in the vintage clothes from the 1960s and 70s. That is BEFORE he had his pompadour swooping, 3/4 sleeve waistcoat, collar popping makeover. Uh, no thanks!
This film does hit on all of the big sticking points when you change genders: what to do when you enter a men's room for the first few dozen times, how to 'pass' in the men's locker room at the gym, how to dress fashionably well as this new, hott dude to turn all the girls' heads, and how to fall in love with your best friend, and have to convince him/her that you're not really gay.
Guess I didn't need to write this stoopid blog after all – it's all been covered before. Damn it all!
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