Sunday, September 13, 2009

Love – all

I was walking in DC this morning, and happened to pass by a tennis court. There were two middle aged men grunting away, swaddling this fluorescent fuzzy ball back and forth. Ya, I'm not so much of a sports fan. I like working out, but the idea of all of these rules and fixtures confound me. Maybe it's true what an ex said, and I'm not really a team player after all. Jk~

But watching these two guys try to lob the ball within certain specific painted quadrants on the court kinda made me laugh. I just don't care. I've never been good with coloring within the lines, I guess. Which made me laugh at myself even more. Maybe that's just it...

Thinking about all of these pass times we have invented for our leisure. We've created these systems of painted lines, score zones, out of bound areas, etc. to obsess over. One team versus the other, battling it out within these dusted chalk marks, trying to score a goal, get a point, make a basket, etc. It's kind of funny when you think about it, how seriously the players and the fans get over these glorified mutations of hopscotch, basically.

I never got into sports because I never cared enough to want to learn about the rules and structures for each game. I never wanted to bother learning what this line means over that one, and that I needed to stay on this box versus the one over there. Figures then that I might have had some trouble conceptualizing the 'rules' of gender, huh? No wonder I've always thought outside the 'box'... (triple entendre intended...)

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