Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Parent Trap

My parents have been together since they were about 15 years old. As I mentioned in one of my older posts, my mom asked my dad to a Sadie Hawkins' Dance, and they've been together ever since. There is a part of witnessing that kind of relationship that has ironically had an adverse affect on me. I don't know when to end a relationship because I saw my parents always tough it out. Of course I've seen them fight, and get huffy with one another, but they never once threatened to end it.

There is a youthfulness to their relationship that I don't envy, as at times I wish for everyone's sake that they were better at negotiating the little things. But overall, I am impressed that they have made it work, and never strayed. And for the most part, they still really love one another, and above all – they have a lot of fun together. It's kind of crazy, and sweet to see as they are in their mid sixties now. When I was little, 60 seemed old. Now that my dad retired and my mom is considering retiring within the next few years, they seem even more spirited than ever, as my dad is getting his pilot's license, and my mom is planning smaller trips for them, and the like.

It has been great to be around parents that love each other so much, but also a bit unrealistic as a model. With every relationship that failed I wondered what I did wrong to not last the test of time, like my parents have. There were tons of relationships that weren't the best for me, but I was willing to stick it out because leaving just didn't seem like an option. Many times I made a mess of things by staying too long, so don't mistake my admission as one of perfection or nobility. Nope, I was sloppy and young, just like the rest of us. But I wish I had better models in my life for how this dating thing is supposed to go.

Even my older brother got hitched at a young age. Well, they started dating around 19 or 20 years old, and then didn't get married until many years later, but still... He only had a few serious girlfriends before that. Same with my cousin who is chronologically in between my brother and me.

I know many people my age are still dating, but it forces me to ask: What the hell did my parents know at 15, or my brother and his wife know at 19 that could make it stick? I don't want to see my dating history as a string of failures, but it does make me seem like the promiscuous sheep in the family... Arg!

Why couldn't I be the product of a broken marriage like the rest of America? Then maybe I'd have a better clue at how this dating thing is supposed to go...


  1. We haven't "stayed together" all these years...he actually keeps me locked in a cage in the baesement. Somebody let me out of here!!!

    Signed, your brother's wife

  2. (((The scary part is I watched "Not without My Daughter" yesterday. So, your comment about being a trapped housewife hit a little too close to home! Eek! We need a safe word! ha!)))
